Researching a Potential Client is Worth It

Receiving an email which hasn’t been backed by any research about the company or the person as a solicitation is probably going to get deleted, or even worse spammed. These emails don’t respect the reader’s time. When you contact someone without doing your homework, you send a clear message. You believe your time is more important than theirs. When you take the time to conduct your research and use a personalized approach, it is much more likely that someone will want to work with you or help you. Below we at Top Advertising Solutions have put together a quick list of things you should always do before emailing.

What Do They Do?

Before you even enter the address in the email bar, research the company and the person you’re writing. What do they do? What is their job, their industry? Even more, what are their goals? If they have a blog read it and go back further than a week. Read all their most popular posts. Browse their site, their podcast, YouTube videos, white papers, any content they’re releasing. If it’s an individual, look at what they post on social platforms. What repeated themes do they address? What do they see as their exclusive, captivating difference? What kind of language do they use? Who are their customers? How does that make money?

Who Are They Speaking To?

Whether you’re attempting to reach an individual or organization, look at who their audience is. Readers if you’re contacting a blogger, viewers if connecting with a YouTuber, and customers if you’re contacting a business. Influence comes from an audience. This used to be rather difficult, but social media has made it much simpler. Read blog comments. Tune in to the audience conversations on social media, not just what the influencer is saying. You’re searching for what’s energizing an audience. What do they complain or worry about? What are their struggles? What problem do they turn to this person or company to solve? Is the person or business successful with that? Understand the audience and you understand the person.

How Can You Make It Personal?

Make your email conversation to the person or business unique by talking about things which are currently affecting them. What’s the person spending a lot of time thinking about? Do they have a new product launching, a big promotion, or a book out? If you can connect what your company has to offer with something they care about, it’s a much easier for them to listen to what you have to say. Keep this research to what they have talked about publicly. You don’t want to seem like you dug into any personal lives. Top Advertising Solutions hope you have found these little tips useful. For more information about crafting successful emails, check out this link.

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