How to Deal with Difficult Coworkers

How to Deal with Difficult Coworkers

At Top Advertising Solutions of Las Vegas, we know that not every day at work is going to be a beautiful, bright and shiny day full of productivity and goals being met. And to make matters worse, there’s often at least one difficult coworker we have to deal with. We are no strangers to this type of environment, and we’ve all encountered a colleague who winds up being a slacker, intimidating, or steals all the glory. It’s estimated that 60% – 80% of work-related difficulties is due to poor relationships with coworkers. But we understand that getting along with coworkers is vital to the overall productivity toward business goals, as well as a personal sense of happiness in the workplace.

Strategies for Keeping the Peace

Sometimes difficulties can arise even from a distance, but working closely in stressful situations can bring out the nastiness in some people. It’s important to be able to address and neutralize a situation before they can make a damaging impact, especially when it comes to your job. Considering these nine smart strategies for working with difficult people, it’s important to remember that you can’t really control how other people act, nor should you try to. Focus instead on how you respond to their behavior, which may take some time, but can help quell the tensions. Try to understand the offender’s situation, but set ground rules for yourself and how you expect to be treated. And always keep an open mind and open dialogue.

You Must Deal with It

There are some people who are just plain obnoxious, and they wind up affecting more people than just you. They will eventually be taken care of, either by popular decision to correct it, or by their own hubris. Some are a lot more difficult in that they are stealthy and subtle, critical and scrutinizing in ways that narrowly focus on you with no one else the wiser. However, as a fact of life, you must learn to deal with difficult people. If you are unable to or refuse to, the situation will only worsen without being addressed. Every day will become more miserable than the last. But in addressing it, it’s incredibly important to stay within guidelines of company policy.

Top Advertising Solutions Las Vegas, we suggest that no matter the type of unpleasant situation you find yourself in with a coworker, it’s vital to address it before the problem develops. And if nothing changes, with or without input from your superiors, consider leaving that job – it’s not worth it.



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