Content Marketing Tips for “Dull” Industries

Not everyone is selling must-have gadgets, video games, or the latest beauty and fashion products. In a world of trending topics and buzz words, it’s easy to overlook important but boring products such as plumbing supplies and accounting services, but these are still things every home and business owner needs. Even if your business isn’t exciting, you can still create interesting content that will get your name out there. A boring company can still fill an important need many people have. By creating content that starts a dialogue about the products and services you provide, you will have the opportunity to change the way people look at your brand. Remember, there is no such thing as a boring industry, just boring content.


Who Says Your Industry is Dull?

Sure, your company may not be as exciting as many, but your expertise in your field and your knowledge of how you can use your products and services to better people’s lives can be interesting and even compelling if you use a little imagination when creating your content. Take some time to establish what the topics are that are of the most interest to your target audience, and show them that you are a leader in your industry and you have the solution to their problems. Create content that sheds new light on your industry and opens people’s eyes to the possibilities of how much your company can do to help them.


Your Content Doesn’t Have to be Boring

When it comes to creating engaging and compelling content, you are only limited by your imagination. Don’t be afraid to get creative and to think outside of the box. Being in a dull industry gives you an advantage over more exciting industries because if everyone is talking about something, it becomes much more challenging to think of something new to say. You may have the opportunity to bring new life to your dull industry simply by providing a fresh perspective. Look around and see how people are using your products to better their lives, and you will have an excellent starting point.


Write for Your Market

What interests your target audience? Who is your typical customer, and why are they seeking out your business? By focusing your content on your customers rather than on your products, you can get people remember why the services you are offering are important, and you can also open their eyes to new ways they can use your products to solve their problems or to fill a need they may have. Be specific, use pictures and videos whenever possible, and remember that with every social media post you are building a relationship with your audience that may lead to conversions and brand loyalty down the line.


Quality over Quantity

Many business owners make the mistake of thinking a steady stream of inane social media posts such as cat memes and quizzes is the best way to keep people aware of their company, but this is simply not true. While people may laugh at the meme or take the quiz, they most likely won’t remember that you are the one who posted it. It’s easy to get your content lost in a sea of generic posts if you don’t take the time to make sure it is the best it can be and provides information and insight about your industry. Your target market will think of your brand first if you create content that explains to them why they should.


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