Using Facebook to Generate Leads

Whether you are marketing a consumer brand  or business to business products or services, there are many ways you can use Facebook a way to engage with their client base and to provide them with the most up-to-date information about what your company has to offer . Over half of online marketers use Facebook to find and follow leads so they can effectively market their products to the broadest possible audience. If you are not taking advantage of the features and possibilities Facebook offers business owners just like you to take their companies to the next level, you are missing out on one of the best opportunities online marketing today.

Why are Leads Important?

One of the most important aspects of your business is its branding. A carefully cultivated image can positively impact your business in myriad ways, and by that same token a damaged brand—such as one that has been involved in a scandal, or one that has received a large number of poor reviews—can destroy a business that may have succeeded if the brand had only been managed more effectively. The way you find your leads, and how you use them once they have been identified, will do a great deal toward determining whether or not your business will be a successful one.

How to Find Leads on FB

Whether they originated on Facebook or not, online leads will help you to maximize your sales by finding new sources of potential customers who are looking for the type of product or service your business offers.  Any time someone watches a video you have posted, or responds to a survey, or comments on your latest post, you have generated a lead. The leads that you will need to focus on are those that lead to sales. It’s not enough to get a thousand likes on your photo from viewers who will click and move on. The leads you will need to focus on are those that generate sales.

Facebook and B2B Leads

Using Facebook to generate business to business leads can be more difficult, but it is possible if you’re willing to work harder to come up with innovative ideas. Offering discounts and promotions through your Facebook page is a great way to entice potential clients to try your products. By using hashtags that are directly related to your product, posting videos related to your industry, and using your posts as an opportunity to showcase your stellar customer service skills, you will attract the attention businesses that are seeking the services you provide. The right combination of Facebook exposure, positive interactions, and irresistible offers on products that your client base needs will lead to increased profits.

Targeted Advertising and You

Facebook offers a variety of options for utilizing the power of targeted marketing to its fullest. You can use Facebook to find the audience that will respond to your products by using such features as life events such as births and weddings, hashtags that are directly related to your product, and paid advertisements that will appear on the profiles of people who are searching the Internet for the type of products and services you provide to locate your desired demographic. Once you have started tapping into the power of Facebook’s marketing features, you will soon begin discovering the possibilities it will open up for your business. If you are willing to put in the time and work it will take to master the art of Facebook marketing, it will pay off both figuratively and literally.

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