Mobile Social Media Advertising and What it means for Your Brand

Social media has traveled a very long way in a short amount of time. Understanding the plight of what can be the next major advertising platform can mean wonders for your brand. Once the appeal of banner advertisements began to decline due to their aesthetic look on websites and mobile platforms in addition to their tendency to corrupt the content, there had to be another vehicle to move advertisements and track consumer internet activity. It serves as a cautionary tale as to what can happen once a product is born out of necessity and rushed to market with a lack of necessary functionality.

Insert social media advertisement, and the billion dollar industry it’s set in. If there’s anything to know about the next wave of advertisement, it’s that social media advertising, specifically on mobile platforms will serve as a giant advertising contender over the course of the next decade. Utilizing a user’s own shared information and interests to help businesses find new customers is the key idea. First, social media advertising is a great option for advertising due to the various targeting options. There is a wealth of information that’s collected through methods that interpret internet behavior, interests, and overall activity.

However, the story doesn’t end on targeting. The entire point of exposing your business to the potential customer through advertising is to complete a sale; that is the core foundation of a business itself. Social Media advertisement and its implementation on mobile platforms also lay the groundwork for improved conversion tracking. Justifying your advertising budget requires the ability to track and measure conversion rates, and the various advertising platforms vary in how well they not only track but convert. Mobile advertisements use a call to action that drives the user towards a measurable action. The accuracy and efficiency of that measurement are fully dependent on your home site. Adding code to your website or the primary “location of conversion” is a great start. Your social advertising strategy should mean more than just receiving a lot of clicks.

Mobile advertising currently stands for almost two-thirds of Facebook’s revenue and over 80 percent of Twitter’s. Two-thirds of social media advertising dollars spent are projected to go towards mobile advertisements within the next three years alone. The data alone on money spent in industry suggests social media advertising will be an increasingly popular trend that businesses can use to supplement their existing strategies for growth.


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