A.I. and Customer Service

One of the most important aspects of customer service is the perception of your staff by your customers. Many complaints about the act of customer service is the kneejerk observation of your employee. Let’s face it, we at Top Advertising Solutions know that these harsh assessments will have a lasting effect on your company’s morale, as well as your bottom line.

What if you had access to technology that’ll increase exposure while providing the outstanding customer service that your clients deserve? Artificial intelligence is a relatively new technology available to companies where exposure is part of their bigger picture. A.I was the stuff of dreams from science fiction writers, but we at Business Development Institute realize this could be a viable option.


What Can A.I. Do to Help Me?

The ease of access of artificial intelligence (A.I.) has the potential to give you unprecedented contact with your clients. But the technology needs to be taught how to think properly on the fly so that it can serve your company. A.I. is often funneled through a chatbot on your website or a mobile app. The program needs to capture the attention of your customer by displaying a curiosity to assist. However, there’s the aesthetic theory of the uncanny valley to consider. The moment a chatbot displays the nuances of human emotion too much in one direction, it can make for a disturbing experience. Their conversational pattern should mimic a human’s natural tone, without claiming to be human.

Who’s Using A.I. Right Now?

There are plenty of companies using chatbots that have helped increase their exposure and improved the overall customer service experience for their clients. Among them are Aerie, Duolingo, Harper Collins, Starbucks, and Whole Foods. The most effective way to learn a foreign language is by practicing with someone who is fluent. The chatbots provided by Duolingo are an effective tool to gauge how much of the language you’ve retained. You have a casual conversation centered around a topic, like buying a home. You respond to the question posed by the bot, and you’re graded on the lesson as you go. It’s done solely on their app so you can take it with you wherever you go.

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